Thursday, July 29, 2010

YB Edward Khoo has finally done the right thing but must continue consistently without fears or favours

This is the YB that we wanted for a long time, a people representative to deal with the poor administration of the district council through which people's lives are affected directly.

One question arises as to what has been happening with the performance of those District Councilors appointed, in which MCA has three (3) representatives.

It's common knowledge that some District Councilors were very questionable in their integrity that government enforcement units should keep an eye on them.

I hope that YB Edward Khoo will continue with the search for the truth with more follow-ups, and set the matter straight transparently without any compromise, as this type of cases are reported to be rampant, and out of control.

Some district councilors who are vocals, and insisting on strict penalty on faulters, were reported to have been threatened with harm by some public whose interests were at stake due to the enforcement attempts by the council.

YB Edward, you've done the right thing but making sure that you continue with more follow-ups, without fears or favours, in discharging your duty and responsibility. Keep it up, YB!

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