Friday, November 12, 2010

How I wish PM was warded in Queen Elizabeth Hospital?

How I wish PM was warded in Queen Elizabeth Hospital so that he'd have personal experience in understanding our dilapidated condition better?

By providing up to standard medical cares to the society at a competitive cost is one of the top priorities of the government. But, how long can the government sustain the huge costs involved every year with the present rate of fees at a meager RM1 & RM5 per visit respectively?

We pay less and we should expect to get less, it's the rule, therefore, it's important that we must have a clean and efficient government in the first place that fund allocated are fully used in the services.

People must also start to pay more at public hospitals or clinics in order to relieve the government burden but at the same time government must also help people to earn more to reduce the government's subsidies on various welfares rendered to the public.

The real answer still lies with money or fund, that is how good the government in handling the economy.

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