Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Performance Now? Time for autonomy in education?

The urgent cries for help likes the one above shown is common. People are suffering every days, and things are not rectified. The follow-up of issues or problems is usually very poor that it can drag on unresolved for ages, and eventually forgotten. People are urged to be patience with the slowness and no actions of the authority. But, just for how long?

Sabah is a big state, and should therefore logically be given more authority in resolving its local problems in a more efficient and effective manner. It's high time to let go of the power from central and let Sabahan, or East Malaysian, to relieve the burden currently shoulder by the central government. Autonomy in education for Sabah is the natural development for Malaysia which is now 48 years old.

On top of the above complaints, there are other pressing issues such as lacking experience teacher, lack of maintenance to buildings and facilities, high text books and exercise books expenses, poverty, too much works and subjects for the children, low quality of teaching (or teachers) and standard, education gap level between urban and rural students, child abuse in school, bullying and discipline problems........and many many more.....that also includes tertiary education like universities, higher learning institutions etc..

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