The answer is MCA Sabah is no longer relevant in Sabah’s politic.
The main reasons are summarized as follows:-
1. The number 1 and 2 leaders in Sabah are having an open 'in-fighting' for leadership;
2. The relationship with other components in Sabah BN especially UMNO has not been good;
3. There is currently a leadership problem in Sabah State Liaison Office;
4. The State MCA is virtually survived on its own with limited supports from its central headquarter;
5. All the Divisions are virtually dysfunctional despite its physical presence.
The recent reshuffle of State Cabinet is an obvious example that saw MCA remains the same status quo in Sabah despite all the high hopes earlier that it'd expected to step into the higher level of Sabah politic.
The failure of wooing Datuk Raymond Tan into Sabah MCA fold was said to be the one of the causes of discontents, and conflicts. The grassroots are disappointing with the so-called ‘selfishness’ of certain leaders who lacked political ethics, skills and the much needed leaderships. On the Raymond Tan case, the accused local leader even later, when confronted, claimed ignorant and swiftly pushed the responsibility to the President of the party who was one of the negotiators, jointly involved in the negotiation of Raymond’s entry to MCA.
The unsuccessful attempt to bring in Raymond had led to the biggest ever rift between Datuk Paul Kong, the number two leader, and Datuk Edward Khoo, the current HQ-appointed State Liaison Chief. The two are now accusing each other for the problems in Sabah MCA. The morale of MCA has reached it’s lowest since its formation in Sabah 15 years ago.
The failure of Datuk Khoo in clinching a Ministerial post in May, 2009 was the tipping point as the grassroots had been looking forward for the appropriate post as a 'rewarding to the State MCA, after 18 years of struggle in the state with the initial aim of overthrowing the then PBS government. The entry of Sabah MCA was construed as mimicking the working relationship of UMNO and MCA in the semenanjung. On the contrary, the re-entry of PBS in the state cabinet saw its power base grew by the day since 2001, more and more PBS cabinet ministers are appointed, so are the ‘revived Gerakan’ with a minister in the Industrial & Development ministry, and State MCA is merely a decorative partner in the state government.
Prior to 308 general elections in 2008, Sabah MCA had been the 'bridge' for Sabahan for the affairs of Medical, Transportation, Local Government, and Education respectively; unfortunately, all these portfolios are now ‘replaced’ by UMNO Sabah, even though it’s only as Deputy Ministers, the 'systematically' move had definitely sidelined MCA in Sabah. The MCA Sabah has become irrelevant, politically. The recent criticisms on the lacklustre performance of the ministry of health in Sabah on the pace in the purchase of SMC and the reconstruction of QEH was seen as an open shown of disrespect on MCA Sabah and its HQ in the Senemanjung.
Who needs MCA Sabah now even the respective Ministers in the earlier mentioned ministries are headed by MCA?
The problem of MCA in Sabah is not only due to local problems but also very much due to the weakness in its central leadership to manage and support the fellow MCA Sabah adequately and sincerely.
The grassroots in Sabah are all disappointed with the attitudes of central leaderships who only spend time with the local issues during the party election. The local grouses were usually lightly taken, or sometimes ignored. Politic in Sabah is different from the semenanjung that there are more BN components vying for the Chinese supports.
MCA KL must do a drastic reformation in Sabah in order to become relevant again. They simply need to understand the political scenario and situation in order to be ‘alive’ again.
刚明, you should look at the bigger picutre since MCA no 1 and 2 is known for infighting. Is MCA Still Relevance in Malaysian Politic?
Even grandeur, Is Chinese-based Party Still Relevance in Malaysian Politic? I want to hear this from an old man like you.
We should discard the race-based mentality as other countries are already busy preparing their nation to compete in the flatter world. What say you?
We kept saying to ourselves that we'd no choice (in MCA) but to stick to the doctrine of UMNO-style political format, which is a racial-based party.
It had 'worked' for 52 years until now. It 'worked' because a similar to the Indian's Cast System was used.
The country must break from the old format progressively, that applies to UMNO, MCA, and MIC. 1Malaysia is a 'good' move, however, UMNO must first transform itself to a non-racial, non-religious based party in order to realise it.
1Malaysia will be a reality only when UMNO agreed to get rid of the 'cast' system in Malaysia whereby Chinese and Indian are categorised in the so-called Non-Malay racial group and whereas a systematic discrimination is applied. This is an act of backwardness, inhuman and against the International Human Rights Convention.
Furthermore, it's a medieval way to govern and in a flatted world today, it's just unbelievable and somewhat incredible that there are peoples who are willing to be 'slaved' by this type of 'Master-Slave' relationship.
It's time to change, for all of us, 1Malaysia for 1Malaysian!
刚明, your response clearly stated that 1Malaysia will only work if we do away with the caste system.
I am a believer and supporter of 1Malaysia as well, but 1Malaysia can only work if we have a party structure like PKR where everyone is "ideally" being treated equally. That being said, how do you justify yourself being a MCA member who support 1Malaysia concept and knowing too well that your party will continue to hold on to this caste system?
Do you really think UMNO will change by risking its ultra-Malay votes to PAS?
I think majority of MCA members would not object to 1malaysian type of parties so long as the 1Malaysian government is fair to every ones.
Well, the society now we are living in has been ‘crafted’ abnormally with the 'unfair’ and 'unjust' caste system, MCA was and is a political vehicle where the Chinese Malaysian were and are meant to group under in order to be in the mainstream of politic. The value or relevance of MCA will be gone if UMNO is gone. It’s a fact that MCA lives on UMNO. UMNO is the mastermind behind to make sure that no one can break their domination in terms of parliamentary seats by creatively devised the polling boundary. Apart from that, UMNO had done something wrong by grooming ‘racist’ civil servants where by merely changing of government is not enough to resolve the woes of Malaysians. The 1Malaysian government must transform the civil service to be ‘color-blinded’ with high integrity.
If people's power has its way, then it's not up to UMNO to consider the risk of change any more, or want to change. UMNO simply has to comply with people's wishes and new requirements; else, they might as well learn how to live as opposition party now.
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