Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My 2010 New Year Wishes

My wishes for 2010 are:-

1. Queen Elizabeth Hospital (II) (present SMC site) will be fully ready for occupation in 2010 (refer to URL:;

2. Construction works on the Twin Tower Blocks at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (I) right adjacent to the new Specialist Building will start latest by end of March, 2010

3. Sabahan continue to receive with higher priority with more medical allocation and resources from federal government as the medical care for Sabah had been neglected over the last 30 years;

4. Government must act now to stop human resources from draining out of the country;

5. Government scraps forever the plan to implement coal-fired power plant in Sabah, and immediately implement sustainable energy resources plan instead;

6. government becomes truly people-centric, wiser, smarter, and led by good common senses;

7. government must fully revamps the entire education policy, and its ministry/departments

Chinese Malaysian community change their perception and expectation on education based on real needs;

9. government led by Datuk Sri Najib, the Prime Minister, must define, promote, and realize the so-called '1Malaysia' concept or ideology by rallying the people working towards the 'goal' of 1Malaysia, and most important of all is that Biro Tata negera must implement the 1Malaysia to all the aspired civil servants;

10. excellent public health and public transportation services at fees affordable by all.

and I have many more that I wish federal or state governments to deliver....................

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR! to every body.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

PSP Wish Comes True For Lad from Tandek

This is a moving story and it happens on the Christmas day. The thalassemia-afflicted boy is from the northern part of Sabah where government has been trying to help people there to overcome poverty.

Is this the digital divide that our politicians been talking all along?

It's heartening to know that the CWS (Children Wish Society) is the accomplisher in making the boy's dream comes true. Being an organization based in Kuala Lumpur, the effort shown by the organization is significant as this may have been the influence of the 1Malaysia slogan agressively championed by our PM Najib.

Since becoming the Prime Minister, Datuk Najib has been putting in great emphasis in making Sabah & Sarawak to be at par with the rest of the country in terms of welfare, economy and development.

The publicity created by PM Najib should have therefore brought the particular attention to the welfare aspect of the people and where government has not been able to cover. The appearance of NGO like CWS is very timely as we have a lot more 'Roheads' out there wanting to have their dreams fulfilled.

Since there are more established corporates in Semenanjung, they should too extend their social obligations to the people of Sabah to assist in easing the welfare gap.

The story also tells us that our economy in this part of the world is still far from the norm of the nation, and government has a lot more to catch up in helping the people like Rohead's family.

After all, are we not in the same country together?

Friday, December 25, 2009










Tuesday, December 22, 2009

工找人及最低薪金制指南的谜惑与困境?Where do we go from here?


Sabah still cannot implement minimum wage policy - Masidi

News published by New Sabah Times / 23rd December, 2009

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah cannot implement a minimum wage policy because major global corporations have become more powerful than the government, said Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister, Datuk Masidi Manjun yesterday.

He said the giant corporations are calling the shots in moving their capital from one country to another particularly countries that can offer cheaper labour force thus putting the government in a dilemma.

“The government is facing a dilemma on one hand to attract investments while the other is to provide a decent standard of living for its people,” he said when addressing the MTUC/ILO National Conference yesterday on decent work through promotion of freedom of association and collective bargaining.

He explained Malaysia is not able to ratify the convention on Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining under the International Labour Organisation (ILO) because each country has its own peculiarity and unique economic structure which must be taken into consideration and one size does not fit all.

“We need investments to create jobs and at the same time look after the rights of workers,” he said, adding that countries like Vietnam have emerged as low-cost producing economies which Malaysia is not able to compete.

He said therefore to implement the minimum wage might not be to Malaysia’s advantage and suggested a bandwidth of wage range to be worked out by sector and region to adjust to the cost of living.

In relation, the minister urged local employers to be fair in their compensation to workers and to provide decent working environment.

Employers need to train staff and move up the value chain so that they can pay (the staff) well, he added.



1. Why do we have lots of vacancies waiting to be filled, and yet no takers?

2. Is minimum wage policy help in resolving the pay dilemma and other related issues?

3. How should the government handle and resolve the dilemma and the related issues?

I think the above questions have been frequently asked, but no top leaders in the country ever succeeded to resolve it yet.

We may need a leader who has the bold political will, strong enough and completely convicted, to the cause of resolving it.

First of all, it's wrong in the first place to indefinitely rely on foreign conglomerates to 'look-after' our welfare, and decide our people's livelihood.

They are here for profits, not charity. They are shifters, not settlers.

Once profits are no longer good, after some years of operating in the country, they will shift elsewhere looking for better returns.

In order for us to survive continuously through the years ahead as a State, we must not naively think that these investors will stay forever unless local economy also progress to warrant their further investment, and bearing in mind that it may not be of the same item that they were first in.

The goal of bringing investment is mainly to foster technology-transfer and business knowledge from the process, apart from providing employment temporarily.

The motive of the government to offer very attractive packages for these foreign investments, which is a common practice, should be aimed at producing competent local entrepreneurs, industrialists, and businessmen at the end of their ventures.

These trained or 'exposed' locals will become the assets of the nation. The generally simple aim to just make a living by working for a salary would not bring us far if we have to move ahead into the future. We must learn the necessary skills and the cultures of success from these foreign investors.

It's the opportunity to learn that we want to have, and not just the salary alone.

It's of mutual benefits for both parties as they look for their business returns by investing here, we, the locals, must be gladly provide in return, and in doing so, acquiring the necessary techniques for our 'autonomy' in our quest to build our nation's economy. It's the so-called win-win arrangement by-designed.

We must increase our pay scheme at par with the strongest neighbours in order to compete for higher skilled workers and talents. We can't develop at a reasonable pace without these resources especially these 'migrated' ones are our nationals working for our neighbours.

Sometimes good pay may not be the real answer for luring these drained citizens to return; it's actually the government policy that needs to be revamped completely. We must not only have to attract these 'migrated' citizens to return but also must ensure that the new ones are not leaving for greener pastures elsewhere. The country just can not afford this trend of wastage any more. It must be stopped for the nation sake.

Salary increment must be justified by higher productivity.

People will move away once there are better offers elsewhere, even if it means migrating to a foreign country.

The keys of retaining people in the country may be summarised as follows:-
1. income - it must be sufficient enough to meet all the basic needs, and more;
2. Good living environment;
3. dynamic, progressive, just, fair, and stable government with good governance.

Sabah can not, and shoul not, compete with Semenanjung, Vietnam, Philippines, or Indonesnia on manufacturing based on imported raw materials and labours.

It has to capitalize on its own unique strengths like its climate, land, geographical location in the region, natural resources etc. in order to have the edge to survive.

It should not overly rely on foreign labours to sustain its activities. It should adopt technology and mobilizing its educated people to carve out a niche in the world economy instead of presently importing unskilled labours that caused further decline in its competitiveness.

We (Sabah) ought to be in the down-stream manufacturing / processing business of our own raw materials, with ideally, our own labour forces only.

Our labour forces can be paid higher than imported labours with the adoption of better equipped skills, technology or mechanisation.

In realising this, our education system must seriously revamp in order to meet with these new challenges. The younger generation must be well educated and trained, to be more creative and responsible workers. They must be progressively adaptive in meeting all the new requirements, either known or unknown ahead.

Unfortunately, the current status of our 'educated' resources are terribly disappointing, and far from acceptable level.

Minister of education, are you listening?

Apart from education, we must not forget the status of our infrastructures like transportation system, broadband and telecommunications, elctricity power supply......

Monday, December 21, 2009

Palm Oil mills Can Help Mitigating Sabah Power Shortage - Said MPOB

华侨日报/出版日期: 2009年 12月 22日 (星期二)

【亞庇廿一日訊】大馬棕油局主席拿督沙比里阿末指出,如果政府為棕櫚油廠商提供更好的獎勵以生產可再生能源,本州的電力短缺可以緩解。 他說,目前國內有四百一十家棕櫚油加工廠,其中一百一十七家設沙巴。他說:「園坵業者可從油棕污水中獲取沼氣發動渦輪機以生產電力,這就是可再生潔能來 源。」 他在八打靈再也對傳媒說:「與其興建燃煤發電廠,這是沙巴一個更清潔的替代燃料。生物量和生物技術如今已面市。」 他說:「我們需要的是一些經濟援助。廠方需要約六百萬令吉安裝甲烷氣體捕集設備和蒸汽渦輪發電機。」 從明年一月起,能源、綠色技術和水務部,保證通過當地銀行提供十五億令吉的低息貸款以供應和採用的綠色技術。 他說:「相對低廉的貸款是一個好的開始,而撥款有助解決沙巴州的電力短缺問題。」 目前,公用事業巨頭國家能源有限公司通過其「小型可再生能源計劃」獻議購買可再生能源,僅出價廿一仙收購每千瓦小時(KWh),另一個障礙是不多油棕廠與 國家電網接軌。 他說:「如果政府提供資金提高收購價至每千瓦卅仙的話,我們可以很快實現棕油廠方這項的主張,以惠及周遭農村社區。」 陳順風資源有限公司已樹立好榜樣,自2005年以來,該公司將工廠排放的骯髒甲烷氣體為潔能。它生產 十四兆瓦電力,其中十兆瓦售回給沙巴電力私人有限公司,保留四兆瓦自用。 甲烷是一種多種污染環境導致全球變暖和消耗臭氧層的多種氣體之一。所以,善用甲烷氣體發電是做環保。 主要生質能燃料消耗國的歐洲聯盟(歐盟)明年訂下目標,只接受生物柴油。與化石燃料相比,生質能的二氧化碳排放量至少百分之卅五。


This is a more realistic proposition from a government agency, and making a lot of sense.

Sabah people must support this approach and method without reservation.

If this proposition is to be made a reality, State Government must be given the main role position for this endeavour.

What has been the State Government's role in all these power shortage and coal-fired power plant issues that has been plaguing the state for so long?

Sometimes I wonder if the State Government been invited to be a part of the solution. But, it looks like the State Government is very passive and seemingly has no say (at least from the surface) on all these important matters concerning the Sabah people.

Lack of consultation and collaboration is a common phenomenon in our country that must be resolved first before anything positive can be done.

We will regret if we don't do it now.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Autonomy For Sabah and Sarawak PKR

It's the right move for PKR Sabah and Sarawak in view of the geographical distance between East & West Malaysia, and also the indifference in the social fabric, cultures, and political landscapes between the two regions of Malaysia.

The localized party shall be more efficient in handling the local issues, and sentiments;
it will definitely increase its local influence and making its presence in Sabah & Sarawak more relevant.

I think MCA Central should adopt the same strategy for the sake of survival in the very much different and competitive political scenery of Sabah.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

What should the government do without the coal-fired power plant?

Sabah Government should take up the opportunity to pursue on the course of greening the state with the cleaner and sustainable energy sources available readily from local.

The most obvious energy source is the solar energy where we could use solar panel to collect the enormous sun heat to heat a boiler, or convert directly from solar to electricity.

The solar energy is absolutely free of charge!

A collective effort by the government is needed in making this a reality. The government may introduce a policy or law to encourage consumer to generate electricity from the sun and sell the excess energy to Service Provider, Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd. (SESB) thereby not only reduce the demand of consumers from SESB but also contribute to the power generation aspect of the SESB.

The rooftop of each household in Sabah or Malaysia is just nice for this type of technology and in fact is a god-gift that has never been unwrapped. A solor -electricity farm make up by the community is the idea that already been in practice in Germany for years, and countries in the tropic should take up the fruits of the German experience and exploit it to our advantages. Bearing in mind that we can harvest the sun energy longer in a day than those temperate countries like Germany.

Especially for Sabah which has a large tract of land for farming, other forms of alternative and sustainable energy sources like the oil palm wastes should be explored together with the mini hydro power from our streams and rivers. In the later case, the river water is free of course.

Cutting or Saving energy demand is another better way to reduce the carbon footprint and energy supply pressure, that the government should embark on the introduction of energy-saving houses or buildings by methods such as proper insulation of the roof and wall for example. More research on this aspect can be done by the research institutions such as UMS locally. More research should be focused on how to save energy consumption on those imported energy sources like diesel and gas.

The coal-fired power plant as a means to generate electricity supply for Sabah should be shelved forever as we embark on the latest way of acquiring of electricity via the right sources like solar, hydro, biomass, wind, sea waves, earth thermal, and any form of sustainable methods.

The gas-power power plant should be used as a transitional alternative before solar, hydro, or any other sustainable energy sources kick in.

With our PM Najib committing in the international conference on Global Climate Change,it's high time that the whole nation, especially Sabah, must act now and move forward without hesitation.

Sabah has to embrace the green technology because of our committment in the eco-tourism and eco-farming activities where good environment is critically important to its eternal success.

The green energy sources are the only way to save the earth and ourselves from self-destroying the environment out of our naivety.

The government must set up a special committee or body now to oversee the changes without delay.



马华各区会将获得由RM5,000 致RM50,000‘不等’的常年拨款。


也许是根据区会的大小 如 - 中央代表人数,区会的总人数, 地区,或支会数目等,来计算发放数目多寡吧?







Thursday, December 17, 2009






如最重要的一个问题- 中委可能重选吗?








看来看去,因为那16名中委的号召而招开的1128‘特大’,所搞起的‘政治压力’,再经过‘党外人士’的‘施压’,而终促成翁蔡稍为‘让步’才成立特别小组‘委员会’来研究重选的事宜。实则上,这些种种的动作,其目的只有一个- 以’扭曲‘的手法来促成’去翁蔡‘也。

翁蔡是否能被替换可也要经过合法的政治途径矣 - 既依照党章行事;但是,就以要促成重选一事,就整个事情看起来,就有基本上的不妥当及有’蹊晓‘了。

廖派 在促成重选合理化方面,还有待其继续的努力之

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

沙巴又分區停電 (Power-Cut Again!)

又停电了。。。真的是 @&^#$%()*@。。。。。
沙巴 Boleh?。。MalaysiaBoleh? 。。

The power-cut today lasted 2 hours 45 minutes! It was from 2.00pm till 4.45pm.

It's 3 times in a row since Monday, 14-December-2009.

How on earth can the government and the private sector going to develop the State? I just wonder.

What say you, SESB?

Keeping mum on the crisis, and blaming the people not accepting the coal-fired power plant are just not the right attitude.

It's a shame on SESB on their failure to serve the people, after all these years of trials and errors, empty promises, and even 'threatens' to its consumers (when running out of excuses).

It's been almost 30 over years that the people suffering the same old problems of reliable supply, and it seems no signs or hopes of getting one soon.

Whoever in the public office, please get ready to resign.


Because you've failed to deliver.

The new generation can not tolerate power failure as their life are very much power-dependent. Today, no power means no life - no computing, no surfing, no air conditioning, no washing, no income, etc...

I'm afraid to say that people have already lost confidence in SESB, and the Government, due to its inability to resolve the power crisis which has been the main hurdle of growth in the State.

I wonder whether the slogan : '1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now', is really going to work with SESB, or in this 'land without power'.

The people could afford to live without electricity some 20, 30 years ago, but not anymore. Fortunately, it was of much better service then. There were hardly any power failures!

Modern civilisation equals electrification that all equipments at homes and offices rely on electricity.

Nothing will move without it, it's become a critical part of people's life whenever it goes off.

Loses can not be easily assessed, and people shall vent their angers onto the government of the day.

I wonder if it (power-cut) will happen again tomorrow.

SESB 真的没药可救了。。。。?



华侨日报/出版日期: 2009年 12月 15日 (星期二)(

【亞庇十四日訊】國油自本月十二日起停止輸送天然氣給納閩巴道巴道發電廠以進行維修,加上另二座獨立發電廠發生嚴重故障,是次大型分區停電將維持至本月十 六日。

沙巴電力有限公司今日發文告指出,國油停送天然氣給巴道巴道發電廠至本月十六日,發電量一百零四兆瓦的該發電廠唯有使用柴油發電。 「不過,採用柴油發電的電力有限,再加上三腳石和實邦加沙律灣獨立發電廠發生嚴重故障,導致電流銳減一百四十七兆瓦,迫使沙巴電力有限公司實行分區停電, 並要求自備發電機的公司合作啟動自己的發電機,以減少沙電對其他電流用戶實行的分區停電次數。」文告指出。

沙電亦提醒電流用戶,州內有三座生質能獨立發電廠,發電量各十兆瓦,即設在山打根的KINO BIO ,SEGUNTOR以及設在古納的TSH。政府和沙電歡迎私人界參與發電事務,協助提升本州電力。 至目前為止,沙電已向上述發電廠購電卅兆瓦,同時正與斗湖德源磋商購電六兆瓦,無奈這項計劃根本無法應付本州東海岸所須的三百兆瓦電力,現有的生質能發電 廠產電性能不高。



也是沙巴進步黨婦女組主任的謝秋菊促請電力公司不要再用燃煤發電來轉移人民的視線,掩飾他們本身的問題及缺點。 「是沙巴電力有限公司本身有太多問題,才導致沙巴人陷入近日的的電供困境。」


「沙巴的消費人已經非常不耐煩及感到失望透頂,州內目前的電供情況絕非一日之寒,當沙巴電力交由國能經營時,我們還以為會有更好的成績與表現,但是我們始 終原地踏步,失望依舊。」謝秋菊這麼表示。




今天又阅到一则‘欺负’沙巴人的新闻,那就是砂朥越(sarawak)能够生产如此大量的电力,竟然没有意提供电力于它的接壤邻居-沙巴州。难道西马真的能消耗它所生产的惊人电量吗?可参阅网址TNB: Plan to supply power from Bakun still on 2009-12-15 17:51(网址:

Monday, December 14, 2009



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Leo Moggie Anak Irok

Datuk Bung Moktar bin Radin
Deputy Chairman

Dato' Che Khalib bin Mohamad Noh

Datuk Hj. Yusoff bin Datuk Hj. Mohamed Kasim

Datuk Wira Md. Sidek bin Ahmad

Datuk Maznah Hj. Abdul Ghani

En. Yusof bin Hj. Sarangit

Ir. Baharin bin Din

Puan Umi Kalsom binti Hj. Seti
Company's Secretary


常年累月发出不能兑现的诺言,连连续续作出承诺的各种各样沙电(SESB)/国电(Tenaga Nasional)发言人,最好以后收声吧。别再丢脸了。也别再误人益己了。




如果沙巴发展走廊(Sabah Development Corridor)要成功的话,上面的两个必须离开,因为通常是领导有问题才会搞得一蹋胡涂。



Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bakun power for S’wak only, and it's not fair

Bakun power for Sarawak only
By Samuel Aubrey/ The Borneo Post / Saturday, December 12th, 2009

Taib says KL agrees state use it first to establish its heavy industries

KUCHING: All the power from Bakun hydroelectric dam, which will be fully commissioned next year and fully operational in 2011, will now go to Sarawak in order to serve the state’s own industrial needs.This is following the agreement given by the federal government to the state’s request to have the power from Bakun to be dedicated entirely for the local industries, especially under Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE).

Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, who revealed these yesterday, said the state government was now taking the next step which was to package a deal to ‘lease’ Bakun hydroelectric dam from the federal government.

“The prime minister has agreed with the state government that Bakun will be first used to supply the needs of establishing Sarawak’s heavy industries. All of (power from) Bakun is now available (to us).

“We are now packaging a deal to lease Bakun from the federal government …This is a good start for us, and it’s going to bring continuous development in the future,” he said at the opening of a new factory for Sarawak Cable Berhad at Demak Laut Industrial Estate here.

With that announcement, it looks likely that the plan to ‘export’ power from Bakun to the peninsular via submarine cables by 2015 will not be implemented as originally scheduled.

Bakun dam is scheduled to produce 1,776MW of ‘firm’ electricity when fully operational in 2011.

According to Taib, more dams will be built after Bakun, and construction work on Murum has started and is expected to be completed in 2013.

“We are doing feasibility studies for dams in Baram and Ulu Baleh. And that’s not the end of the story, because of our high potential to produce up to 28,000MW (from the 12 hydroelectric dams planned in Sarawak).

“This is going to be the core of the development in Sarawak in the next 20 years. It will give us a development that is quite different from the past,” he said, adding that the state was also examining the possibility of having second power line for the coastal areas.

Second Minister of Planning and Resource Management Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan had said on Nov 7 that Sarawak would have the capacity to export electricity if the Murum Dam, which could produce more than 600MW, was completed on time.

He also said the goal to export electricity to the peninsula could also be achieved with acceleration of the state’s hydroelectric expansion plans.

Tengah was also quoted in newspaper reports that Sarawak requested all the power from Bakun due to the needs of the aluminium smelter plants.


Based on the above report, I don't think other Malaysians are thinking about us on our needs of energy resources, a strategical element in our future survival.

Now Sarawak government wants to use all the Bakun power for their Aluminum smelting plant, and other industrial projects, too.

While Sabahan has been wistfully hoping that our East Malaysian neighbour state can spare us some of their sustainable energy sources; but unfortunately, it turns out to be only wishful thinking.

Sabah has been 'blessed' with aplenty natural resources such as oil and gas. There should be enough of this valuable energy source for us, indeed, for another 20 to 30 years of 'low cost' electrical power supply.

Will the gas-powered plant in Papar/Kinmanis 'hit' by gas shortage in a few years time?

The status of Lahad Datu Power Plant based on coal-fired technology is suspicious as the Federal government has been pushing coal-fired power plant for Sabah instead of the gas-powered power plant that relying on the abundant gas locally produced, and the gas solution is more environmental friendly.

Building a coal-fired power plant in the east coast of Sabah is not acceptable due to the highly probable environmental risks and international obligation. It will not be going down well with our government's recent commitments in the Climate Change Summit Conference held between 7th to 18th of December, 2009 in Copenhagen . (refer to Malaysia's participation at Copenhagen determines world survival (Climate Change Summit Copenhagen) 2009-12-13 11:52(

The environmental risks in getting the electrical power, which is critically needed in the state in our on-going government projects like the Sabah Development Corridor, must be resolved quickly by rethinking the way we use electrical power and its generation process.

The eco-system in the east coast must be preserved in order to align (compromise) with the future plan for the State of Sabah on eco-tourism. Any possible destruction of its pristine natural conditions must be addressed and dealt with immediately.

Is Sarawak government 'selfish' on their 'inability' to share its resources? They are using the Federal fund to construct the mega-project, and yet when it's finished, they start to talk differently, why? Cunning, isn't it?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009







巫统兵南邦区会主席,DatukJohnAmbrose, 所谓的‘内部管道’处理成员党之间的矛盾与不满是敷衍的说辞;因为国阵根本就没开过会商讨国阵治国的大事,也没有如此能付诸实行的管道供成员党来使用。情境尤如一片散沙,平时各成员党皆是自顾自的’门前雪‘,各自自我寻找机会表现,平时鲜少交流或联合举办活动。







好吧!就採取‘听其言,观其行’。 就给他们6个月好了。可是,在这期间,那些牵涉其它成员党在国阵区内的活动又要如何处置呢?难道是要‘视而不见’吗?

成员的力量,公平分配工作,互相配合,以卫持其1Malaysia 的绩效和威信。