Tuesday, December 30, 2008


我國现在想要实施消费税制度(GST)是正確的,但必须视本國經济情況适当进行;首先应該選择性在高消费奢侈品上来開始吧. 政府应該鼓历吃得開的人尽量多花钱,低收入者多存钱并接受政府多方面的接济.

实施消费税制度(GST),无可否認如果是盲目,无選择及无策略性的附诸实施,则的确会造成错觉及矛盾,不得不察. 问题不是要人民多花钱,还是多存钱;而是我國的真正竞争力在那里!

竞争力是多方面的总和,多方面的紧密合作协调.不是我们每年花多少亿零吉在硬体设施就宣称有竟争力;而是人民在软体方面的水平是否有相应的同步协调和提高. 能够取得最高效益的才算是有竞争力. 我们的竟争力必须是全面性的開发与发展,而不是零星独立个別活动无链接性,譬如说政府和私人界是否有真正的合作以取得最高的竟争力?

沙巴州的问题由始至”终”都是”人”的问题,上至政治人物下至贩夫走卒. 要发展,要前进,要永續都得在人的素质和竟争力下手.


Monday, December 29, 2008


2008-12-28 15:07:57 華侨日報




第一个也是唯一的问题是: 安華为何要坐镇沙砂呢?

无可否認,因為民联在大馬半岛308夺得80席后,加上在沙砂夺得的2席,就祇差30席就能以一个席位的所谓”简單多数”而执政大馬.沙砂的56个國會议席目前有54个席位在國阵的手中. 很明顯的,凡得东馬者就应得天下了.

民联祇要稍為用功,下次大選要在沙砂夺下30席或以上,不是不可能的事,尤其是沙巴州,经过14年的國阵治理,人民還在不满的引颈企盼. 这就是安华要亲自坐镇沙砂两州的原因之一.

沙巴人民相比之下是比较屬意本土政党,而大馬半岛政党渐失過去的吸引力;理由是不能真正了解及代表本地人民的需求. 自916变天计划失败后安华也察觉不能完全依赖东馬政党的忠心. 國阵曾为此916变天计划寝食难安更何況到时要依靠这些东馬政党依诺交货才能美梦成真. 民联肯定要问: 沙砂的本地政党可信及可靠吗? 因此,民联不相信本区域的本地政党是有根据的,此其二.

第三个原因是民联在沙砂两州仍未有凝聚力量的中心人物,各地領袖可以说是各自為政,或仍未有足够份量領导沙巴州的反对党阵线.尤其是沙巴州的公正党,现今代表各主要族群的党内領袖皆有团结合作的障礙. 因此,能号召及有凝聚各方力量(包括本地政党)和经验的中心人物,則非安華莫屬了.

Friday, December 26, 2008


2008-12-26 15:51:53 華僑日報







由太平洋商業中心通至新苏兰, 太平洋商業中心至亞洲城,这两条天桥老早就該兴建.


Thursday, December 25, 2008







政府又從何处来填补因奖掖或补贴所造成的缺口呢? 双油(石油
及棕油)没价,如持續低靡,則政府的资金来源,堪矣! 公积金收入亦受社員收入低落影响,这条水源很快会干掉的.


政府亦应开始提倡并实行资源共享如開拓”弃私家车取公共车”的政策,開发公共交通糸統, 開发环保车,环保事业, 集中医院保健设施,加强福利部门的操作与积效等等以渡过时艰之外也是長远的正确"一石数鸟"投资!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

CCTV State

"Prevention is better than cure", as they said. When it comes to crime prevention, nothing is better than the state-of-the-art Closed-circuit television (CCTV), apart from good policing.

You can say the developed countries in Europe and America are becoming paranoids to terrorist attacks since the historical 911 in New York. The London bombing on 7 July 2005 saw the terrorists successfully captured and sentenced with all the evidences, thanks to the CCTV. In a country like United kingdom (U.K.) where it’s the land of laws & orders, the deployment of CCTV has shown to be the most appropriate tool and aligning well with the policy of combating terrorism at its nib.

CCTVs are installed everywhere, public or private, day or night, watching and recording the activities of the residents in the U. K. The coverage is not on fixed properties only; the moving assets like buses, trains, tubes, and even taxis are installed and monitored on-line via wireless linkages. Taxi drivers in Sabah may welcome this as it could protect them from robbers.

The authority is so serious and confident about the technology that they have had deployed the gadgets almost any possible areas in the public; criminals and would-be offenders are virtually not having any chance to get away from crimes or offends without apprehended and prosecuted.

What a way to make the residents behaved, and reducing damages to public properties which I think will especially suitable in Malaysia where peoples are not seen or recorded when deliberately causing damages, and therefore not being nabbed and made to pay for their actions.

We have many crime cases not solved for years and quite often there were no traces and clues at the crime scenes or related scenes; and with the CCTV widely installed, clues and traces of information could have been left at the incidence. It’s therefore not difficult to pin down the culprits in the shortest time before all the evidences are lost.

The London Bombing is a typical success story of the application of CCTV system. DBKK, district Councils, or Government should aggressively invest in the application of CCTV as a means to protect not only lives, but public assets on a long term basis as well. The saving on less infrastructure damages may recover easily the investment costs within the first year or so.

Security is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. By the way, do we have the political will strong enough to do it?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

U. K. Driving Experience and Melaka Traffic Jam

The easy & relax living in Malaysia is a luxury in United Kingdom, that’s what I personally experienced lately.

The British walks a lot every day because they can’t afford to have their car driving through the city centre and park right next to their office/destination; so they park their vehicles at the outskirt of the city and take a public transport such as bus, tube, or train instead.

There are two advantages of leaving their cars at the outskirt car park. One is cost-saving on exorbitant parking fee in the centre, and secondly is saving the time of searching for a parking space, especially new drivers who are not familiar with the city centre.

With every one leaving their car outside the city centre, the chaos of jams caused by snails of cars searching for car parks in the city is eliminated. For the drivers, this is a relief and stress reduction indeed.

On top of the above advantages, they are now reducing the gas emission in the city centre as stalling vehicles emitting fumes and gases as well as wasting the pricey petrol. They revitalize the city air quality and at the same time raise the quality of life in the city centre by making the traffic flows smoothly. Taxi and bus are the major transports in the city centre serving their main task of moving peoples in and out of the city the fastest they could. Their drive ways are clear all the time; life in the city centre has become lively and enjoyable.

On the contrary, last week I was in Melaka and the coach driver was “kind” enough to choose the town centre route that brought us through the historical tourism spots of the city state; we were stuck in the area for almost 2 hours! The distance is very short though, only a few kilometers long!

The authority in Melaka or Malaysia should resolve the traffic jam issue quickly. We have been focusing mostly on the development of “hardware” but the “software” aspect seems to have been overlooked some what.

It’s only a matter of planning and arrangement.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

London Public Transportation System

U. K. has a great heritage that our country should strive to achieve – the London Public Transportation System; it's so admirably developed and structured that will definitely bring them ahead of the competition in the years to come. This is a very valuable asset that have been spanning over almost 200 to 500 years. The transportation system manages a network of train, tube, bus, motor vehicles, and even canal barge. Not only that, their airports and sea ports are all connected neatly with other transport systems such as rail and road.

These modes of transport are all integrated and interlinked so well that I almost cried wondering how pity and oversight we were in the last 45 years. We were especially frustrated during the time of oil price hike.

We should be aware that we can forego the ownership of motor vehicle if a reliable and economical public transportation is available. It will virtually eliminate the traffic jam problem in a city with commuters plying on public transports. The government can not forever subsidizing and deliberately managing oil price which is often beyond our control. The public transportation system is a most suitable solution for Malaysia when income of general public is generally low in relation to other developed countries. The system will reduce our costs of doing business.

We should invest in our public transportation system now during the low period of the worldwide economy when every thing becomes extremely competitive to implement. The oil has become a scarce commodity and its price is definitely go up again in the future when economy regaining its ground.

Public transportation system is the way to go for our nation because it’s the most efficient and economical mode of transportation than the private one. It’s especially environmental friendly providing sustainability element. We should pursue the transfer of know-how aggressively from Britain to our country immediately for the sake of our future generation.

While we are facing the effect of economic crisis, the launch of public transportation projects should provide better benefits not only stimulating economy now, but also deliver a more promising future returns and advantages.

The British model is the model that we should emulate.

Where have we been going economically?

I visited United Kingdom in November after almost 30 years lapse.

The place has not physically changed except that the tourism spots are no longer free. There are some exceptions such as the Natural History Museum remains free. However, the authority recovers their costs by the operation of nice Cafés and souvenir shops.

It has changed from a social-centric state where the government pays for most of the things to users pay for the things they consume. A policy shift to who-use-who-pay from one-use-nation-pay; government is now more profit-oriented or at least self-sustainable-minded in their governance.

The value of the property such as houses in England has increased tremendously in the last 30 years and almost 8-10 times more than before while salary had increased by almost 6 times more as far as fresh undergraduate employee is concerned. Our Malaysian counterpart was offered RM1,000 to 1,200 in the 1970-1980 while the same remains unchanged in the 2000 era! However, only the house prices are at par with the British!

Something is quite wrong somewhere in our income arena; we had not been able to raise our standard to the level that we supposed to. One cup of coffee in U.K. costs 1.80 to 2.0 Pounds and the same thing in Malaysia costs RM1.80. The normal bus fare is minimum 2 Pounds while ours ranging from minimum RM1.00 to RM2.00. A pack of four corn cobs costs 3.50 Pounds while it costs RM3.50 in Malaysia. The current exchange rate is one pound to RM5.50!

However, our health services is fantastically “dirt cheap” compared to British health services which charges relatively high than our country. The charges in Malaysia should be gradually increased to ease the burden of government; but we must ensure that the income of the general public is “high” enough to afford it. The idea of setting minimum wages is laudable and should be given more supports on the presumption that productivity is matched relatively.

We may have transformed our landscape in the city but not our economy in terms of wealth distribution. It was an asymmetrical growth indeed.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Will a Privatized IJN taking care of the poor?

PM: Take over of IJN only allowed if poor taken care

Published in TheStar Online: Thursday December 18, 2008 MYT 7:38:00 PM

The Government will only allow the private sector to take over the National Heart Institute (IJN) if they fulfilled their responsibilities to the poor, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said. Refer to http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/12/18/nation/20081218193355&sec=nation for details of news report.


Would you believe this wishful thinking that, with due respect, Sime Darby will be “genuinely” caring for the poor on a short and long term basis?

They might do it if they are heavily subsided by the government to take care of this charity business. However, at the end of the day, they must be making some profits. Sime Darby may be keen to be a good model of corporation, however, there’s a bottom line on this.

How much would government allow for profit margin of the new private operators without hurting the poor and the rich?

The motive difference between the government and the private sector is big, given that the shareholders of the private corporation are expecting good profits year after year.

How would government ensure that the private owners will fulfill their responsibilities to the poor especially? What guarantee that the corporation will not fail to deliver their promises? It could be too late to rectify if it happens.

Government should restructure the management of the IJN for high efficiency and productivity now instead of privatizing it. If government can rule the country well, I don’t see why they can’t run a hospital with reasonable profit, and grow. The government has all the resources at their disposal; it’s disheartening to hear these hasty and unacceptable excuses for privatizing the institution.

Only a public hospital with the backing of the nation resources can justifiably provide a heart centre for the poor and the rich; on the contrary, a privatized hospital is definitely profit-oriented and our nation is not ready for this type of arrangement yet because of the large poverty gap between the groups of low, middle, and high income.

Public hospital, if run well, can deliver expectations of the public. Privatization is not the magic remedy for cutting costs and service quality; it’s the management skills that make the difference!

Government should encourage private investment in the health business by providing excellent incentives and business environments rather than by eliminating the public-run health institution. I would not object to government for partially privatizing some of the established institutions for a profit in the future years once they have aplenty to be disposed of, and the general public interests are appropriately taken care of.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008



2008-12-09 16:07:22(摘自华侨日報)


他指出:「不要說二國四州議席,就算是一國二州議席,我這個拿督也可以成立一個新黨! 」



2008-12-09 16:07:35(摘自华侨日報)




沙巴首席部長来自巫统,前阵子和前首席部長丹斯里章家杰被人認為"涉嫌"公報私仇而以古达馬祖神像的停建作為解决私人恩怨. 此事件已經交司法部处理中,欲知一二,可查阅:-





Saturday, December 6, 2008


(辣手杂志Editor 06-12-2008 10:13 )



事隔7年後(公元2000年),高峰塔塌樓事件及官司也算”园满”解決了.各造包括政府部們,發展商,划仄师等的种种说词,推搪卸責都一一摊開,结局令人气愤,同情,而最後只有長叹一声,无言算啦! 高等法院判决(2000年8月11日)可參阅下列網址:-

每多久,2002年11月20日凌晨,距離高峰塔塌樓只300公尺的高尚住宅區,一間雙層式洋房在排山倒海似的山泥崩瀉中,也轟然倒下。這一次,又奪走了8條寶貴的人命。有關事件评述可參阅 “三分天災七分人禍” (星洲日報/情在人間‧作者:林明華‧2002/11/21



我相信主要是政府不严正看待半山腰建屋计划的个中技术及責任問题. 除了缺乏了解此项課题外,在执行上力有未递也因此常沦為民众诟病.




更值得一提的是,根據大馬律師公會主席楊映波在2006年的讲话里谈及”因山崩而打算起訴安邦再也市議會的居民很難打贏官司”一事說: “除非聯邦法院推翻較早前裁決安邦再也市議會享有豁免權的決定,否則因山崩而打算起訴安邦再也市議會的居民很難打贏官司”。详情可參阅

这道救命符怎不教官員們放心"犯错"呢? 做為一个消费者及選民,有多少人实质上明白他們的"無上"权力呢?



Thursday, December 4, 2008


(吉隆坡4日讯) 马华署理总会长拿督斯里蔡细历医生说,如果他的马来主权言论让马华领导层感到为难及无法面对舆论,他感到抱歉.










