First the Sepangar UMNO supported the construction of the coal-fired power plant in Sabah, then UMNO State Assemblymen aggressively defending it in the recent state assembly meeting, now the Penampang UMNO.
What happens to the rest of the BN components, except the LDP, on their stands on coal-fired power plant?
PKR, DAP, and SAPP had all declared their stands on the objection of the coal-fired power plant.
It's not easy to get people to support the coal-fired Power Plant throughout the state today.
It's mainly because of the greater awareness of the public now on environmental issues.
The main environmental issue with the coal-fired power plant is on the safety and the long term environmentally aspects of the said plant .
Sabah is a heavily promoted states in the world on the Eco-tourism where environment is the key selling point; the sustainable state of the ecology is therefore of critical to its long term survival.
Governing political parties should not be supporting the coal-fired power plant solely because of the political indifference with the oppositions,but rather it be purely on viability and justifiable consideration.
Generally, people supports government to build more power plants in order to meet up with their basic demands, however, in view of the Eco-tourism and long term desires of the state, we should welcome the green power or technology that can deliver good environment instead.
People objection to the coal-fired power plant is justifiable, and understandable as the technology using coal is old, and dirty.
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