First the SepangarUMNO supported the construction of the coal-fired power plant in Sabah, then UMNO State Assemblymen aggressively defending it in the recent state assembly meeting, now the PenampangUMNO.
What happens to the rest of the BN components, except the LDP, on their stands on coal-fired power plant?
PKR, DAP, and SAPP had all declared their stands on the objection of the coal-fired power plant.
It's not easy to get people to support the coal-fired Power Plant throughout the state today.
It's mainly because of the greater awareness of the public now on environmental issues.
The main environmental issue with the coal-fired power plant is on the safety and the long term environmentally aspects of the said plant .
Sabah is a heavily promoted states in the world on the Eco-tourism where environment is the key selling point; the sustainable state of the ecology is therefore of critical to its long term survival.
Governing political parties should not be supporting the coal-fired power plant solely because of the political indifference with the oppositions,but rather it be purely on viability and justifiable consideration.
Generally, people supports government to build more power plants in order to meet up with their basic demands, however, in view of the Eco-tourism and long term desires of the state, we should welcome the green power or technology that can deliver good environment instead.
People objection to the coal-fired power plant is justifiable, and understandable as the technology using coal is old, and dirty.
So far, it looks like the Greater Unity Plan (GUP) has an edge over the 2ndEGM orchastrated by Liow's faction of the party.
With Chau fully supports the GUP with 13 Central Delegates (CD) from his division, the trend of supports is quite obvious then, and the overall likely support for GUP can be around 100 Central Delegates (CD). Sabah has 147 CDs.
DatukEdward Khoo, the Sandakan Division Chairman cum the State MCA Chairman for almost 10 years, who is known still very much in the Liow's camp, yesterday refused to make comment on his stand openly.
Nevertheless, Penampang Division Head cum State MCA Deputy Chairman, Datuk Paul Kong Sing Chu had earlier declared his stand on 10-Nov-2009 that he urged the three requisisionists to reconsider their decision to proceed with the second EGM, to be held on 28-Nov-2009.
He urged Liow, and the group, to close rank and adopting 'forgive & forget' attitude for the unity of the party.
PM Najib's must be sensitive in handling the coal-fired power plant issue in Sabah.
The region is "the seafood bowl to millions of Sabahans and part of a larger real economy of the Sulu Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion which supports the livelihood of 35 million people across three different countries", according to SEPA's President, Mr. Wong Tack.
While a country should move itself to greener environment now, the bold action in the adherence to the policy of protecting the world by maintaining green is utmost important today.
This brings out a question of what environmental policy our country is adopting within the so-called 1Malaysia, and as a competent participant in the world of environmental protection.
In this endeavour, we should not be double-standard, and we must now step our foot firmly on making sure that our future development ties closely with the conservation of the environment.
We must show to the world that Malaysian meant what it said in the effort of staying green.
The impressions observed from the various bodies show that:-
UMNO : We just want Power, we support our leader, and it doesn't matter how we get, and live with it.
PKR: Don't force people to accept 'dirty' power when we have our natural gas to provide a 'clean' power.
SEPA: Under immense pressure going against government's decision of building a coal-fired power plant. It's an uphill task for an NGO to convince the top government leaders why we should have a consistent policy on environmental protection standard.
Sabah Angler Association: The interests of Sabahan, or the residents, around the coal-fired power plant must be seriously taken care of and respected.
The difference between the two parties over the power issue is that LDP is in the government and SAPP is an independent opposition party now on its own.
PM had come and left with doubts whether Federal government is sincere in resolving the pressing problems in Sabah.
The rejection of coal-fired power plant project in any part of Sabah is purely a clear demonstration of high awareness of the Sabahan on environmental issues, and not so much of political.
The proposal to build a coal-fired power plant in Lahad Datu, Sabah, had never been a popular idea since its infamous damages caused to the residents and its surroundings have been unfavourably known all over.
For a state focusing on eco-tourism, the introduction of the coal-fired power plant means a threat to the industry and the state future income. General consensus is that a pristine environment is the key ingredient in the continuation of eco-tourism. There have been several verbal guarantees undertaking by various VIPs on the security and safety of the coal-fired power plant. How good are these guarantees?
The regional sentiment is high in this part of the world due largely caused by the unbalanced status of developments in the past 46 years. PM has a lot to catch up especially on how to eliminate the unjust feelings now felt generally in Sabah.
The vocal appeals over various local issues from LDP via its women and youth wings shows that people are more vocal and getting more proactively involved in the administration of the public affairs.
The sentiments against the central government, especially in the urban area, are high because promised projects are not forthcoming to ease the hardship of the people, or somewhat too slow to act, and like the QEH affairs, there is simply no significant progress on the improvement of hospital services ever since the main tower block was declared unsafe in November, 2008.
BN is worried about the MCA crisis and its subsequent negative effects; but not to the Chinese community and the opposition (PR).
In fact, the opposition (PR) just likes to see it that way.
The Chinese community has already made their choice in some parts of the country, but it's not really their preferred choice. It was only a tactical move to vote the opposition (PR) in order to pressurise the BN. Their tactical choice has yet to be delivered based on the last election promises by their elected YBs, be it from the BN or PR.
The opposition (PR), like DAP and PKR, have been listening well to the people's needs but may now have difficulty to deliver what people wanted physically. The opposition (PR) in some BN's territories can only achieve the lip service, however, their shortfall is well understood and accepted by the people; the question is: how long can they tolerate the non-performance of the opposition?
On the contrary, the governing party (BN), like UMNO or MCA, must fulfill its last election promises, or else, it will be branded as liar.
The current heated argument between Ong and Liow faction is obviously irrelevant to what people needed. They don't really care much about the 'morality' issues raised by the respective leaders, or for that matter, their internal problems. People will not take the so-called 'morality' issues as their priority concern; what they are more interested in is who can deliver and making their life easier, and better, at the end of the day.
The current turmoil is simply a matter of internal struggle of power where the priority of the people has been disregarded, and somewhat being used to garner for legitimacy on the staging of the 2nd EGM.
The Greater Unity Plan (GUP) is a plan to unite all the factions, including those who claim that they are marginalised by the plan. The grassroots are now leaving it to the various leaders to show their wisdom in making the GUP working. Their sincerity and willingness to settle their differences are all key factors in making the unity plan a reality, meaningful, and success.
The involvement of PM in this plan will definitely speed up the process and eliminates distrusts created in the last few weeks.
To all MCA leaders, please take heed of the PM's words, and stop all these nonsense before we lost the preference status that we used to enjoy with the Chinese community.
By the way, the party election is two more years away.
KLUANG, Nov 7 – The time has come for MCA to ask Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to step in to resolve the crisis the party is facing, said Umno vice president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.
Hishammuddin said he believed the Prime Minister would not hesitate to assist MCA in trying to resolve its problems as the BN was also affected by what was happening in the party.
“I do not want to interfere in MCA’s internal matters but I am concerned about our (Umno’s) friends. If previously the BN chairman only gave advice, now it is time he stepped in to help out.
“I feel the public also feels the same way. Umno is also not happy with the turn of events in MCA. The people in the end will become bored with us (BN component parties) and look elsewhere for leadership, which will not only be a loss for MCA but the BN overall,” he told reporters after attending a youth carnival here today.
Hishammuddin, who is also Home Minister and the MP for Sembrong, said all MCA leaders needed to be concerned about the overall interests of the party and the BN and not act according to emotions.
The MCA, which is the second largest party in the BN coalition, has been embroiled in a leadership crisis for over a year now.
An extraordinary general meeting was held by the party on Oct 10 to resolve the impasse but the feuds amongst the warring factions took numerous twists and turns since then and have only caused it to be mired in deeper trouble. – Bernama